Archives for the month of: October, 2015


 At the Hirsch Wellness Beginners Personal Tapestry Class- our first tapestries are looking very promising..

DSCN8917If only we had a little more time!




The Seventh Annual Silent Art Auction to benefit Hirsch Wellness Network programs was held last night, on Friday October 9, 6-8.30pm.

poster for tapestry class for hirsch wellness
One of the classes that benefit from the silent art auction fundraiser, is the Personal Tapestry class which I am teaching on Tuesday, October 13th , 20th, 27th and November 3rd from 6.30-8.30pm at the Hirsch Wellness Classroom.

tapestry sample

Everyone in the class will have their own individual tapestry frame-just like mine…and I am really looking forward to meeting everyone and watch their work unfold during the course of the program!



Reconquering Burgundy, resurrecting Charles the Bold

Cooking Without Limits

Food Photography & Recipes

Photography Art Plus

Photography, Animals, Flowers, Nature, Sky

NC Alternative Crops and Organics

art in fibers and fabric

around the garden

art in fibers and fabric


art in fibers and fabric